Thursday, March 15, 2012

Be Persistant

Alright today was a great day to get outside and do something active.  And don't think that just going for a jog or riding your bike is the only way to workout outside.  Something as simple as a walk or common yard work is also a great way to be active!
Now it's time to address something that really bothers me.  So many people workout to simply lose weight. Then they end up quitting because they don't see results quickly enough.  You should workout to do more than just lose weight.  It has so many positive side effects for your body.  Don't you want to help your body and live longer?
The reason you may not see the results you are looking for in just a couple weeks of working out is because your body is still adjusting to the new physical activity.  Many times the person trying to lose weight is someone who had, until recently, lived a sedentary lifestyle.  Your body needs time to adjust and prepare to burn those extra calories.  Give it time. Be persistent!!

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes form an indomitable will." -Gandhi

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